A1 (مبتدئ – Beginner)
Reading (القراءة):
At the A1 level, learners can comprehend short and simple texts containing familiar vocabulary and basic grammatical structures. They can understand everyday texts such as advertisements, short messages, and simple instructions. For instance, they can understand phrases like “مرحبا، كيف حالك؟” (Hello, how are you?), “ما اسمك؟” (What is your name?), or “هل يمكنك مساعدتي؟” (Can you help me?).
Writing (الكتابة):
A1 learners can produce basic sentences and short messages. They can write simple descriptions about themselves, their family, or their daily activities. For example, they can write phrases like “اسمي محمد” (My name is Mohammed), “عمري خمسة عشر عامًا” (I am fifteen years old), or “أحب الموسيقى” (I like music).
Listening (الاستماع):
Learners at this level can understand and follow simple spoken language in familiar contexts. They can grasp common phrases and expressions used in daily conversations, such as “هل تريد الانضمام معنا؟” (Do you want to join us?), “دعونا نذهب إلى المطعم” (Let’s go to the restaurant), or “أين محطة الحافلات؟” (Where is the bus station?).
Speaking (التحدث):
A1 learners can engage in basic conversations using simple phrases and expressions. They can introduce themselves, ask and answer simple questions about personal information, and communicate in common social situations. They can say things like “مرحبا، اسمي أميرة” (Hello, my name is Amira), “أنا أعيش في القاهرة” (I live in Cairo), or “كيف حالك اليوم؟” (How are you today?).
A2 (مستوى ابتدائي – Elementary)
Reading (القراءة):
At the A2 level, learners can understand short, simple texts related to everyday life. They can read and comprehend basic personal letters, emails, and instructions with familiar content, such as “شكراً لمساعدتك” (Thank you for your help) or “الحافلة تصل في الثامنة” (The bus arrives at eight).
Writing (الكتابة):
A2 learners can write brief notes and messages. They can describe their background, education, and immediate needs using simple sentences, such as “أنا أعمل في مكتب” (I work in an office) or “أحب السفر” (I love traveling).
Listening (الاستماع):
At this level, learners can understand phrases and frequently used expressions related to areas of immediate relevance, like “كم هذا؟” (How much is this?) or “الاجتماع غداً” (The meeting is tomorrow).
Speaking (التحدث):
A2 learners can handle short social exchanges and express themselves in routine tasks. They can say things like “أريد طاولة لشخصين” (I would like a table for two) or “أحتاج إلى حجز” (I need to make a reservation).
B1 (مستوى متوسط – Intermediate)
Reading (القراءة):
At the B1 level, learners can understand texts that contain everyday or job-related language. They can follow descriptions of events, feelings, and wishes in personal letters, such as “أنا أتطلع إلى زيارتك” (I am looking forward to your visit).
Writing (الكتابة):
B1 learners can write simple connected texts on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. They can write about experiences, dreams, hopes, and ambitions, such as “أريد تحسين مستوى اللغة العربية الخاص بي” (I want to improve my Arabic).
Listening (الاستماع):
At this level, learners can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters, like “الفيلم يبدأ في الثامنة” (The movie starts at eight) or “علينا إنهاء المشروع قريبًا” (We should finish the project soon).
Speaking (التحدث):
B1 learners can deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling. They can engage in conversations on topics of personal interest and express opinions or plans, saying things like “أريد السفر إلى بيروت” (I want to travel to Beirut) or “ما رأيك؟” (What do you think?).
B2 (مستوى فوق المتوسط – Upper-Intermediate)
Reading (القراءة):
B2 learners can read and understand complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialization. They can follow articles and reports on current affairs, such as “التغير المناخي يمثل تحديًا عالميًا” (Climate change is a global challenge).
Writing (الكتابة):
Learners at B2 can write clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects. They can produce essays or reports, presenting arguments for or against a particular point of view, such as “في رأيي، التعليم ضروري” (In my opinion, education is essential).
Listening (الاستماع):
At this level, learners can understand extended speech and lectures, as well as follow complex lines of argument, provided the topic is familiar. They can comprehend things like “الاجتماع سيناقش القضايا الاقتصادية” (The meeting will discuss economic issues).
Speaking (التحدث):
B2 learners can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers possible without strain. They can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options, like “هناك عدة عوامل يجب مراعاتها” (There are several factors to consider).
C1 (متقدم – Advanced)
Reading (القراءة):
C1 learners can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning. They can read and comprehend complex literary texts, such as “هذه الرواية تستكشف طبيعة البشرية” (This novel explores the nature of humanity).
Writing (الكتابة):
At this level, learners can express ideas fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. They can write clear, well-structured texts on complex subjects, like “العولمة لها تأثيرات إيجابية وسلبية” (Globalization has both positive and negative impacts).
Listening (الاستماع):
C1 learners can understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signaled explicitly. They can follow films and series in which the language is spoken quickly, like “حبكة الفيلم معقدة ومليئة بالتقلبات” (The plot of the movie is intricate and full of twists).
Speaking (التحدث):
At C1, learners can express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much searching for expressions. They can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes, saying things like “أنا مقتنع بأن هذا هو الخيار الأفضل” (I am convinced this is the best choice).
C2 (مستوى الخبراء – Mastery)
Reading (القراءة):
C2 learners can read with ease virtually all forms of the written language, including abstract, structurally or linguistically complex texts such as manuals, specialized articles, and literary works, like “تقدم هذه المقالة نقدًا عميقًا للمجتمع المعاصر” (This essay offers a profound critique of contemporary society).
Writing (الكتابة):
At C2, learners can write clear, smoothly flowing text in an appropriate style. They can write complex letters, reports, or articles that present a case with a logical structure, like “الحل المقترح يتطلب جهدًا من عدة جهات” (The proposed solution requires a multifaceted approach).
Listening (الاستماع):
C2 learners can understand any kind of spoken language, whether live or broadcast, even when delivered at fast native speed, provided they have some time to get familiar with the accent. They can comprehend dialogues in films and plays that include idiomatic expressions, such as “لغة الشخصية الرئيسية كانت عامية للغاية” (The main character’s language was very colloquial).
Speaking (التحدث):
At C2, learners can express themselves spontaneously, very fluently, and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations. They can participate in any conversation or discussion, saying things like “أستطيع التعبير عن أفكاري بدقة في أي سياق” (I can articulate my thoughts precisely in any context).
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